Data: Where Do Insects Bug Americans the Most?

By Julio Gerardo Cardona Guillen from

As if the COVID pandemic wasn’t enough, America might be in the middle of another epidemic – bed bugs – a pest that long has plagued many cities in the United States. But are bedbugs America’s biggest pest problem? What about ants and mosquitoes? How do termites and spiders compare? And good ol’ cockroaches, where does that leave them?

What We Analyzed

We scoured the web to find the most common insect-pests in the United States and used Google Trends to determine the most common pest in each state. Then, we mapped out how prevalent different bugs are across the nation to work out what places in the US are the buggiest. Finally, we talked to an entomologist (that’s someone who studies insects!) to see how our data stacked up to knowledge of bugs in the field. (Pun not intended.)

Key Findings

  • Bedbugs are America’s #1 insect pest and the top pest in 32 states
  • Termites are second worst, topping pest control searches in 8 mostly Southern states
  • Cleveland, OH and Tulsa, OK are the most bug-ridden cities
  • Ohio is the buggiest state, with highest # of searches for insect pest control
  • Bedbugs most prolific in Ohio and the Midwest
  • Termites troubles worst for Southern states
  • Mosquitoes are at their most annoying on the East Coast

The Bedbugs Bite: America’s Top Insect Pests

Which insects bug Americans most?

According to Google search numbers, it’s bedbugs and it’s not even close. Bed Bug pest control queries were most popular in 32 out of 50 states with an estimated 62,000 monthly searches across the nation.

Termites were second-most bothersome insect pests. They are top-of-mind in many states down South and Southwest, namely Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Arizona, California, and others.

States in the North, on the other hand, were more commonly bothered by mosquitoes (e.g., the Dakotas) or ticks (e.g., Vermont and New Hampshire), which were most searched bugs for pest control in five and six states respectively.

Finally, Alaskans were most curious about how to control and/or exterminate wasps—the only state where this pesky insect topped pest control searches.

Oh no, Ohio! The Buggiest States in the US

Turns out, Ohio is where people are most bothered by bugs and insects, at least bothered enough to search for bug-related pest control a ton. This state had the highest search interest for pest control terms across top 10 insect pests with an estimated 8,480 searches per month!

And it’s no wonder that a state in the Midwest ranks so highly, says Lisa Anderson, a Research Entomologist and Entomology expert from Varsity Tutors.

”The midwest has a wide variety of crops that bugs can invade, as well as many water sources for bugs to proliferate.”

Not only does the Midwest have a great climate for bugs to thrive, there’s also a wide variety of crops growing in the region which bugs can invade, as well as many water sources for bugs to proliferate.

“For example, Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes, is a great breeding ground for mosquitoes, which are an irritant to many people.” She adds, “Not only are crops and water a great attractant to pests, but so is livestock… whether it’s from the manure, the animal itself, or the facility in which the animals are housed.”

Following Ohio in bugginess are DC, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Texas, all areas generally in the southern half of the country. There are around 6,000-7,000 searches for bedbugs, ants, termites, and other insect pests on a monthly basis in each of those areas.

Finally, South Carolina, along with the nation’s three most populous states – New York, California, and Florida – rounded off the top 10, with anywhere between 5,000 and 6,000 searches for bug pest control every month.

As for why bugs are loving it in the south? “The Southeastern US is warm all year round, which allows for bugs to produce generation after generation,” notes Anderson. “Rarely there is a cold enough winter to kill the eggs, larvae, pupae, or adults”.

Buggiest Cities in America, According to Google Search Data

Across US cities, Cleveland, OH was ahead of the pack with estimated 6,590 bug-related searches monthly, followed by Tulsa, OK with 5,820.

Top 10 cities with the highest number of monthly searches for bug pest control are largely in the Midwest and Southwest, with the exceptions of Greenville in South Carolina and Springfield in Maryland.

Curiously enough, of the biggest cities in America, only Chicago made the top 10 list with just over 4,000 monthly searches on the subject of controlling or exterminating various insects.

By The Bug: Which Insect Pests Irritate Americans the Most

Bedbugs, termites, and mosquitoes—these are the three most prominent insect pests in the United States. While bedbugs dominate the concerns of Americans across states, here are how other pests rank in the monthly searches.

Bug Index (Listed Alphabetically)


Because of their hard-working, dedicated nature, ants are incredibly difficult to get rid of once they find your way into your home. There are almost 10,000 searches on how to get rid of ants every month, with the greatest interest coming from California and Texas.


Echoing the sentiment of these articles from the New York Times and Forbes about the growing number of bedbug infestations across the country, bedbug problems generate the highest number of searches among all other insect pests, about 62,500 per month. Based on the search data, the heart of the problem is in the Midwest with states like Ohio, Illinois, and Kansas.


Quite the opposite of a pest in many people’s opinion, bees contribute to us being able to grow food and crops through pollination. And yet, there is a certain amount of interest in exterminating them, to the tune of 15,300 monthly searches. A lot of them come out of Arizona.

According to entomologist Lisa Anderson, a high number of bee extermination queries points to the lack of awareness of bees and their benefits to agriculture, environment, and society at large.

In her words, high volume of searches for exterminating bees “…is the unfortunate consequence of not being educated about bees and wasps. Bees are so beneficial to our environment because they pollinate many of our crops, flowers, and trees.”

Already in decline as a species, Anderson warns bees are often confused for wasps or hornets, which often feature in news media stories as dangerous insects.


Known for their extraordinary ability to survive almost anything, cockroaches or roaches can be tough to remove from your home. On the upside, the number of searches around exterminating cockroaches seems to be comparatively low at 3,800 a month—hopefully a sign of a subsiding problem.


The source of constant annoyance with their incessant buzzing on summer days, flies are one of the most common pests. Likely because they’re relatively harmless, there were only 1,890 searches per month aimed at exterminating them, peaking in the state of Louisiana.


Nothing to undermine a warm summer evening like being bitten by mosquitoes, right? A problem driving over 24,000 searches a month, it’s most acute in states with access to water and high humidity, which are most states on the Eastern Seaboard.


According to experts, spiders are “more-useful-than-harmful” creatures, yet spiders manage to scare and/or bother quite a few Americans. Over 3,500 searches on how to get rid of them take place every month, with hotspots in Texas, Utah, and Kansas.


A pest famous for its appetite for anything made of wood, termites have caused a lot of damage to American homes over the years. Termite problems—and people’s desire to get rid of them—generate at least 39,000 monthly searches across the US.

The states most affected by termites? According to our data, they’re Arizona, Kansas, and Florida.


They might not be your conventional household pests, but for those who live in areas close to forests or dense greenery, ticks are a real problem. Enough a problem to have over 23,000 monthly searches around how to deal with them.

States that are most affected by ticks are Vermont and New Hampshire, both with over 1,000 tick-related searches per month.


Known as the bees’ more aggressive cousins, wasps also take part in the all-important pollination, yet are better known for their painful stings. With a total of 4,800 monthly searches across the country, it’s in Texas and Alaska where the interest in exterminating them is the highest.

Protect Your Home: What You Can Do Before Calling Pest Control

Anderson offered the following advice to homeowners keen to protect their homes and their families from bugs.

To combat mosquitoes, make sure to get rid of stagnant water. This can lead to a great breeding ground for mosquitoes.

“Stagnant water can be found in water cans, bird feeders, or old buckets and should be emptied out. Adult mosquitoes lay eggs in water which is where they hatch and turn into pupae, then larvae, then finally adults and the cycle continues as long as there’s a stagnant water source.”

To avoid attracting cockroaches, vacuum your home regularly, ideally every other day. This gets rid of crumbs and other sources of food for these creepy critters, and is worth the hard work!

For bed bugs, look out for signs of bed bugs when travelling. In hotels, make sure to put your luggage up high off the ground and do a search for any evidence of bed bugs, such as reddish or rusty spots of blood, or small dark dots on hotel beds. This way, you can reduce the risk of coming into contact with bed bugs and bringing them back into your own home.

For all pests, another good idea is to inspect your home and close or fill in any small holes or gaps in walls, floors, or ceiling, where bugs can enter. This will help to prevent bugs from getting into your house

The growing spread of bed bugs is grabbing headlines and it’s equally reflected in the search trends. While problems with mosquitoes and termites continue to persist, the relatively high interest in exterminating bees is a concern.

On the contrary, a low number of searches for dealing with flies or cockroaches offers some reassurance that some pests may be loosening their grip on American households. Finally, are you curious what options you have for getting rid of bugs? Always make sure you talk to a real expert.



The list of top ten insect pests was collated from various media articles on the subject of pest control, which mentioned them as the most wide-spread.

From the list of top ten insect pests, we derived keywords using terms related to pest control, such as “removal”, “extermination”, “control”, “treatment”, etc.

Search volumes were gathered with SEMRush and estimated at the state and city level using Google Trends for the same selection of keywords.

Data was then compared to qualitative data from an entomologist.

Data by VK

*Originally posted on

*If interested in using the interactive tools, please go to the article, Data: Where Do Insects Bug Americans the Most?

How To Get Rid Of Ticks: 3 Easy Steps

Get rid of ticks
Cedar Oil All Natural Solutions

Bugs don’t get much scarier than ticks. The truth is almost no bug bite can change the course of your life the way a tick’s can. In other words, if you venture outdoors often, have a family, or pets, you need to be extra careful to avoid tick bites and ensure these blood-sucking arachnids are nowhere near home. Here’s how to prevent, repel, and get rid of Ticks naturally in just 3 easy steps.

Step 1: Prevent Dangerous Tick Bites

Did you know many tick bites originate, not in wooded areas, but in our own lawns, or during common activities like dog walks?

It’s for this reason that you, your family and pets need to wear an effective yet safe tick repellent when venturing outdoors, whether camping and hiking, or simply working or playing in your own yard with your family.

Wearing a tick repellent is crucial for two main reasons. First, it helps prevent painful and in some cases life-threatening tick bites. Second, it helps prevent you from accidentally introducing ticks into your lawn or home, exposing your loved ones to dangerous ticks.

Before outside fun like walks, hikes, dog walks, BBQs, camping, and outdoor entertaining, simply apply DG’s non-toxic Bug Off Cedar Oil Personal and Pet Spray to you, your family, and pets to kill and repel, not only ticks, but also mosquitoes, fleas, ants, mites, bed bugs, and other biting or damaging pests. For best results, reapply to people every 5-7 hours or after getting wet, and reapply to pets every other day or more often as needed. No more bug bites. No poisonous chemicals. It’s that easy! 

DG Bug Out Personal and Pet Spray
Shop DG Cedar Oil Spray

Pro Tip: In addition to preventing tick bites, DG’s Personal and Pet Cedar Oil Spray can also be used indoors to kill and repel bugs around the house without resorting to dangerous pesticides.

Step 2: Tick-Proof Your Lawn

By taking a few simple preventative steps and keeping up with lawn care, you can dramatically reduce the chances of experiencing ticks in your yard. Without moisture to drink, sources of food like wild animals, and hiding spots to breed, ticks will have little interest in staying in your lawn. Here are some essential tips for tick-proofing your lawn:

  • Lawns with excess moisture are very attractive to ticks, so make sure to remove or repair all sources of unnecessary moisture, including leaky plumbing, sprinklers & hoses, clogged drainage areas, and items that collect rainwater, such as unused furniture and equipment.
  • Practice regular lawn maintenance, including keeping your grass and shrubbery short and trimmed. Mow, weed eat, and trim as needed. Ticks love hiding out in lawn clippings, so make sure to bag those, too.
  • Remove organic clutter like wood piles, brush, leaves, and any mulch not made from cedarwood, these are a favorite hideout for ticks. 

Wildlife like raccoons and deer commonly drop ticks into our yards. Here are some natural ways to help keep tick-carrying pests off your property

  • Especially if you live in a wooded area, we strongly suggest installing fencing, at least around the most used areas of your lawn.
  • If you already have fencing, make sure to check it periodically for holes and other damage animals could use to gain entrance.
    Garbage is a big attractant for wild animals. Firmly secure any trash cans, recycling bins, or compost piles you have outside to help avoid unwelcome guests. 
  • Avoid installing plants known to attract wild animals, like roses, beans, tulips, peas, corn, apples, etc. If you’ve already planted some of these, consider installing some barrier to keep wildlife out, like chicken wire.

Step 3:Kill & Repel

Apart from ensuring you, your family, and pets are protected from dangerous bites, removing ticks from your yard and keeping them away is your top priority.

Don’t worry, killing & repelling ticks in all life stages—egg, larva, nymph, and adult—is quick, safe, and easy with DG’s plant-based Lawn and Kennel Concentrate.

Start by treating your entire yard with non-toxic, pet-safe 
Lawn and Kennel Concentrate twice about two weeks apart. Make sure to spray your front, back, and side yards, including shrubbery, small trees, and bases of larger trees. After those first two treatments, you can proceed to monthly applications. Can use more often if needed for heavier bug populations.

Because ticks can survive winter conditions, they tend to be a problem all year long. For this reason, we strongly urge you to continue monthly applications throughout the entire year. 

Doing this will also save you a bunch of time, money, and headache when things start to warm back up and ticks, along with mosquitoes, fleas, ants, chiggers and more, become an even larger problem again.

Not So Fun Fact: Ticks can survive all winter long, even in freezing temperatures

For added repellency, broadcast Cedar Granules throughout your lawn or at least in those areas where you and your family spend the most time. Reapply Cedar Granules every 6 weeks. 

DG Cedar Oil Lawn and Kennel Concentrate.
Shop DG Cedar Oil for Outdoors
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Shop Pure Cedarwood Granules
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Shop Yard Guard Ready to use

Need help or have questions?

Phone: 714-402-9419


Get Rid Of Pests On Your Lawn – Without Killing Your Grass

A lush, green lawn is something to be proud of – and many pests will agree. The water you use to keep your lawn hydrated can attract pests, keeping them healthy and hydrated until they hitch a ride on you, your kids and pets, or sneak their way into your home. Many of these pests are perfectly content to stay in the grass, creating unsightly patches as they feast on your lawn.

There’s no shortage of poisons to put these pests to bed. However, these solutions can be toxic to your lawn, your family and your pets. They can pollute waterways as they wash away in the rain. These chemicals are expensive. And they’re totally unnecessary. 

Common Lawn Pests That Don’t Stand A Chance

Everyone has that one lawn pest that they hate the most. Who’s your mortal enemy – is it a family of moles, tunneling for grubs and making a mess of your soil? Or is it generations of fleas, relentlessly attacking your pets and making them miserable?

Chances are, you’re fighting an all-out war, battling each day to get your lawn back from multiple populations of lawn pests.

The most common types of pests that inhabit lawns include:

  • Ants – both red fire ants and black ants
  • Roaches
  • Flies
  • Scorpions
  • Ticks
  • Fleas
  • Mosquitoes
  • Mites
  • Mold and Mildew
  • Moles, mices and other rodents

All of these pests destroy the hard work you’ve put into your lawn. They make it impossible for your kids and pets to romp worry-free. They ruin the beauty of your grass, and bring disease instead.

Step 1: Kill The Sprinklers.

In the dry heat of the summer, you might be tempted to overwater your lawn to compensate. Sometimes, you might forget to turn the sprinklers off, or you might rely on an automated timer to control your sprinkler system, leaving your grass soaked to the roots.

If you’re noticing an excessive amount of mosquitoes, mold, mildew, or worm casings, there’s a good chance that cutting back on the water can help reduce the problem.

Know your type of grass and water accordingly. If your lawn squishes under your feet, even hours after watering, or the water is running off into your driveway, unable to soak into the grass roots, cut back. You’ll see fewer pests and a reduced water bill.

Step 2: Spread Red Cedar Granules.

Red cedar granules for lawn pest control
Spread red cedar granules to control insects, grubs, snakes and rodents.

Make your lawn a less friendly place for pests to live by spreading red cedar granules across your lawn. A hand-held seeder can help you evenly distribute the granules.

Surround your home with a border of granules to discourage disgruntled pests from entering your home. Place granules directly in ant hills and mole mounds.

The granules repel pests on your lawn, in kennels, dog runs, gardens and shrubs for at least 3 months. Cedar products also eliminate odors, replacing offensive odors with a pleasant, woodsy aroma.

Step 3: Spray Nature’s Defender Cedar Oil.

Lawn and kennel Nature's Defender cedar oil concentrate keeps lawn pests at bay.
Use Nature’s Defender to refresh cedar granules and neutralize mold and mildew and reduce insects.

Treat your lawn with a natural cedar oil product like Nature’s Defender. You can use the hose-end sprayer to quickly spray your entire lawn, creating a pest-free environment.

Used in conjunction with cedar granules, you’ll build a powerful defense against pests.

The antimicrobial properties of cedar neutralizes mold and mildew, while insects like fleas, mites and mosquitoes are disrupted at all stages of their life cycles.

After the initial application, you can dampen your lawn every 15 days to keep your lawn pest-free.

When the cedar granules lose their potency, they are refreshed when you spray again. The granules help keep the cedar oil in place, continuously keeping pests from infesting your lawn.

Step 4: Have A Well-Deserved Picnic.

Have a pest free picnic on your lawn.Now that you’ve got your lawn back, it’s time to celebrate.

Grab your picnic blanket, wine, cheese and sandwiches and raise a toast to your lush, green lawn. No longer do you have to worry about getting bitten by mosquitoes, stung by fire ants, and bothered by grubs. Enjoy!

How To Stop A Flea Infestation… Naturally!

What started as a few black dots skipping through your pet’s fur has become a full-blown pest population taking over your home.

You know you have options: harsh sprays, bug bombs, an exterminator – but you’re worried that the same chemicals that will annihilate your flea population will also cause harm to your family and your pets.

Not only can you stop a flea infestation naturally, but also, you can keep bugs out of your home for good using products that are completely safe for humans and domestic animals.

Here’s how you can stop a flea infestation naturally:

Step #1: Know Your Enemy

By now, you’ve probably spotted the tiny black adult fleas crawling through your pet’s fur. As you reach for them, they can hop up to 4 feet in the air. These adult fleas make up fewer than 5 percent of the flea population.

Adult, female fleas lay up to 40 eggs per day, usually on your pet. Everywhere your pet goes, flea eggs fall. They’re just barely visible, tiny white specks, making up 50 percent of the population. You might not notice them resting in your carpet, on your pet’s bed, and around your home.

Larvae hatch from the eggs two days to two weeks after they are laid. Adult fleas suck blood from your pet and pass it in the form of dark, dusty “flea dirt,” which looks like black pepper sprinkled throughout your pet’s fur. It’s really your pet’s blood, predigested by adult fleas and consumed by flea larvae as their first meal.

Flea larvae form cocoons within 5-20 days of hatching. Cocoons make up 10 percent of the population. They are sticky, and may rest below the surface of your carpet – they’re not easily vacuumed out. They emerge when they sense the presence of a host, where they feast and lay eggs of their own.

What does this all mean? It means that fleas are the least of your worries. Their offspring are everywhere in your environment, so even if you get rid of fleas, within a few weeks their larvae hatch and start the life cycle again. That’s why you need to take this 5-step approach to getting rid of fleas for good.

The lifecycle of the #flea. It can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months - meaning your infestation can come back even when the adult fleas have vanished. You need to destroy fleas at every life stage to get rid of them for good. For natural, safe, affordable solutions, check out

Step #2: Treat Your Family

Before treating your home, treat yourself and your family members to stop the biting in the meantime.

You can use our all-natural cedar oil personal and pet spray to topically treat both humans and animals. This formula also soothes itchiness and irritation due to existing flea bites. It’s safe to spray on your skin, bedding and clothes, and on dogs and cats.

Step #3: Evict The Fleas

Now, it’s time to kick the fleas out of your home. Our indoor cedar oil formula destroys your indoor infestation in multiple ways.

The silica content corrodes the flea’s exoskeleton. This makes them vulnerable to cedar oil’s dehydrating properties. The cedar oil also makes it difficult for fleas of all life stages to breathe.

Have you ever seen a trail of ants marching across your floor? That’s the power pheromones in action. Ants, fleas and many other pests follow the scents of each other’s pheromones to feed, mate and conduct other life-sustaining activities. Cedar oil covers the pheromone scent, leaving these pests too disoriented to do anything.

Those that don’t come in direct contact are repelled by the scent, and quickly flee your home. Best of all, unlike many chemical treatments, fleas do not develop resistance to natural cedar oil solutions.

Spray every area of your home. It’s safe for virtually all surfaces, won’t stain or discolor wood or fabrics. Repeat as needed.

Vacuuming will remove many of the eggs and cocoons in your carpets. Just be sure to avoid emptying or discarding the bag contents indoors.

Step #4: Spray Outdoors

Unable to sustain life in your treated home, some fleas may remain outdoors. Spray the perimeter of your home, plus any dog runs, kennels, gardens or sheds.

For fast application, use Nature’s Defender. The bottle is equipped with a convenient hose end sprayer so you can easily treat your entire yard. This formula also keeps your yard free of mosquitoes, mites, grubs, ants, flies, and many other pests – without harming your lawn or garden.

Do not use the indoor formula on your lawn. It can be harmful to plants, and shouldn’t be diluted with water.

Step #5: Follow Up

Spray your pets monthly or after baths, and before walks in fields and wooded areas. Treating your pet regularly is often sufficient to keep a flea infestation from recurring. Treat the indoor areas as needed, and outdoor areas after rainstorms.

Flea infestations are the most common from Spring to Fall, because they thrive when it’s warm out. However, they can also move into your warm, toasty home during the winter. Keep up with flea prevention year-round, you can keep your home pest-free for good.

Integrated Pest Management for the Homeowner

Integrated Pest Management or IPM is a method of eliminating pests by using environmentally friendly solutions. It is usually defined as a solution that depends upon human insight and reasoning power. IPM is a program that can be applied in both agricultural and non agricultural environments for pest elimination. For the purposes of this article we will discuss organic solutions and show how it pertains to the homeowner. It is structured by studying the pests’ lifecycle and the way they interact with their surroundings.

Also, it focuses on the modern scientific research and information as well as pest management techniques that are known not to harm humans, animals or property. There are four main steps in the implementation of IPM which include – Intervention, Observing, Monitoring, and Prevention. The goal is to reduce or eliminate the use of chemical pesticides to solve pest related infestations. Instead, it uses an integrated approach involving both human and organic all natural pesticide solutions as long as neither one harms the surrounding environment or beneficial living things.

Let’s discuss each of these steps in detail.

Observation – This is the first step in setting up an integrated pest management program and it requires checking what is going on in the infested area every day. This step allows you to set action steps so that you can tell when an action is necessary or unnecessary. For example, seeing a single pest does not mean that the entire property, person, animal or crop is affected and that a drastic measure needs to be taken. It just may mean that doing a simple task like picking the pest off to eliminate the pest is all that is required. In more infested situations, a more drastic approach may be required.

Monitoring – Monitoring is a vital IPM step involving making the right decision after observing the infested area and identifying the unwanted pests. It is also a serious step in deciding whether or not use of pesticides of any kind is necessary or not. IPM seeks to reduce the possibilities of using chemical pesticides in management of the pest menace. It supports a personal approach such as picking the pest or its egg or larvae with hands, uprooting infested plants, use of all natural, organic insecticides, mulching and so on.

Prevention – This is all about looking for ways to avoid the problem of pests in the future after eradication, if not before. From the home owner’s perspective, it means adopting practices that keep unwanted bugs away. For example you can decide to practice periodic fogging/spraying of your house/property with all natural organic pesticides, grow pest resistant plants or grow trap crops/plants that lure/repel insects away from your other plants. The advantage of these practices is that they are safe and cannot harm property, people, pets, or the soil as compared to chemical insecticides.

Control – If the pest infestation is not eradicated within the first three steps, control is really unavoidable. At this point you must take serious measures to end a problem that has proven unpreventable by the above 3 steps. The IPM approach becomes very necessary in the sense that the homeowner has to consider both the effectiveness and safety of a given pesticide. Generally, when following this approach, you must give more preference to the safety of the method used for pest control. Start with an effective product like Cedar Oil as that provides either zero or less risk to humans, pets, property and the environment. For example, choose organic, all natural chemicals or plants that eradicate the pest, their unborn/un-hatched, prevent their further attempt to reproduce, or repel them completely. If that does not seem to work, you can now use integrated pest management to mitigate their effects on the environment. And remember, always read and follow all “Directions for Use” and “Warnings” on all products prior to use to obtain best results and safety.

DG Cedar Oil has all your Organic, All Natural Integrated Pest Management and Eradication solutions regardless of what’s “bugging” you. Please visit our website for the Organic, All Natural pest control solution that’s right for your pest problem(s).

Cedar Oil Home Insect and Pest Management

Cedar Oil Home Insect and Pest Management

DG Cedar Oil offers an overall approach to pest control management in your home. The goal is to insure pests are kept in check before they become a major problem for your family.

To achieve a pest-free environment, the first order of business is to outline the areas in and around your home that need protection. These areas typically include indoor perimeters (baseboards, window frames, etc.). Carpets, furniture, cabinets and closets are also some other indoor considerations. You also need to consider your outdoor areas (front and back yards, patios, garage areas, etc.).

This particularly applies to pet owners. Pets especially need to be considered in any such insect control planning. We know that when it comes to fleas, ticks, mites and other pet related infestations, things can get quickly out of hand!

To make it easier for you and your family, our Indoor/Outdoor Cedar Oil Starter Kit provides everything you need to protect your entire home with 100% natural, non-chemical Cedar Oil Pest Control Solutions

For more information on this product and other All Natural Pest Control Solutions, Please visit our website:

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