Commercial/Over The Counter Pesticides–What They Don’t Tell You About Them

Commercial/Over The Counter Pesticides–What They Don’t Tell You About Them

Commercial/Over The Counter Pesticides that often contain synthetic pyrethroids have been described by pest control companies and mosquito fogging municipalities as safe because they are extracted from chrysanthemum flowers. In reality, pyrethroids are a synthetic version of an extract from the chrysanthemum plant. They have been chemically altered to be more toxic and to have longer breakdown times, and are often formulated with other additives that increase their potency. By doing so, they compromise the ability of both the human and animal body to fight the toxic effect of the pesticide leading sometimes to extreme adverse reactions and sometimes even in death, especially in animals(dogs and cats).  The bottom line here is simple – just because it says that its “Natural”, doesn’t mean that it’s Non Toxic.

Below are brief descriptions of the three most common chemicals found in commercial/over the counter pesticides called pyrethrins, permethrin, and pyrethroids.


Pyrethrins are natural insecticides produced by certain species of the chrysanthemum plant. The flowers are harvested shortly after blooming. Then the oils found within the flowers are extracted with solvents or the flowers are dried and then powdered. The extracted pyrethrins are contact poisons which penetrate the nerve system of the insect rather quickly. Within a few minutes of application, the insect cannot move or fly away. But, a “knockdown dose” does not mean a killing dose. Pyrethrins are quickly detoxified by enzymes in the insect. Therefore, many pests will recover. So, to ensure a lethal dose of pesticide, other chemicals or synergists are added to the pyrethrins. This is what makes the “natural” less than natural and highly toxic! These semisynthetic chemical derivatives of the chrysanthemum flower have been developed as insecticides and pesticides called pyrethroids. These un-”safe” pyrethroids tend to be more effective and more widely used than natural pyrethrins.


Permethrin is found in most of the pesticides used to control pests on people, pets, and property. Permethrin can be found in …human lice shampoo, spot on flea controls, flea and tic collars, flea and tic dips and shampoos, flea bombs, roach foggers, lawn and garden sprays, indoor pest control sprays, powders, and numerous other products. Worse yet is the fact that some of these products with “Organic” certification contain “Permethrin”.

Permethrin is a manmade synthetic pyrethroid insecticide because it resembles naturally-occurring chemicals with insecticidal properties, called pyrethroids.


The term “pyrethrins” refers to the natural insecticides and pesticides derived from chrysanthemum flowers; “permethrin” and “pyrethroids” are synthetic chemicals, and “pyrethrum” is a general term that describes either natural pyrethrins or synthetic pyrethroids. Again, no matter what the vet or pest control company tells you, these are not “SAFE”, natural products. They are neurotoxic (nervous system) POISONS that cause serious health problems for humans, pets, animals, birds, and aquatic life.

Repeated use of these conventional pesticides form high toxicity levels in people and pets. It is suggested that you avoid their use whenever possible. Toxic pesticides can be inhaled, absorbed through your skin, and ingested. The majority of people believe (or led to believe) that just because pesticide use is so common or has EPA registration, it must not be harmful.  EPA registration of a pesticide does not mean that it is “safe.” Many pesticides with EPA registration are categorized as “Toxic, known carcinogen, mutagen, reproductive toxin, developmental toxin, immune system toxin, and endocrine disruptor”.

Commonly used Pesticides and products they can be found in:

Permethrinused in hundreds of products for people, pets, and property

Pyrethrins – used in hundreds of products for people, pets, and property

Fipronilused in Pet Pest Control Products

Imidacloprid used in Pet Pest Control Products

Glyphosate used in Weed Killers

Malathion used in City, State, Federal Mosquito Control Programs

Sulfometuron used in Weed Killers and Pest Control Products: used on right of ways, roadsides, public land

Deet used in personal Insect Repellents

Boric AcidPowder and Dust Pest Control Products


The DG CEDAR OIL Alternative to Dangerous Chemical Pesticides

“Dg Cedar Oil offers “SAFE” alternatives to these dangerous, traditional, synthetic pesticides by offering organic, all natural, non toxic, and environmentally safeCEDAR OIL” Pest Control Products that are safe (non toxic) for use on humans, pets, property, and their surrounding environments.  More Details Here


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